Technical Documentation

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System Architecture Overview

The HS CRM application system is built on the LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) platform. It is designed to operate with two main user interfaces: (1) a company staff-facing backend, and (2) integrated forms and logic within an end-user company website, preferably built in Wordpress and running on the same web server as the backend system.

Main Components

Assuming the web server domain directory is in a /public_html (or /www) directory,

  • The HS core software, located on the web server in the /public_html/houghton directory;
  • Customized versions of the core software code files, located in the /public_html/houghton_local directory;
  • A single MySQL database;
  • A front-end website, usually built on the Wordpress platform.

Client Custom Fields

The Optimist Daily

Table Custom Field Meaning Value List
contacts custom1 Delivery Frequency Best of the Week, Week Day, M-W-F

The Divine Mother Center

Table Custom Field Meaning Value List
contacts custom1 Birthdate yyyy-mm-dd
contacts custom2 user_id number
contacts custom3 Mother's Name text
contacts custom4 Father's Name text
contact_activity custom1 Requested by contact_id number, points to who made this request
contact_activity custom2 Request reference (course name, store item name, etc. from which the request was made)
sources custom1 school_id 547579=Virtual Ashram, 31644=Divine Mother School
products custom1 course_id number
products custom2 coach name text
products custom3 Puja included Y/N (default 'Y')